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In-Home Care in Roseville, CA

ACASA Senior Care Roseville provides expertly-tailored in-home care to Roseville, CA seniors. We make growing older easier, and we are proud of our reputation for delivering personalized services that enrich lives and make seniors safer. Our personal care offerings are designed to ensure seniors who have difficulty performing basic tasks get the assistance they need and serve. We have years of experience and all the required certifications and education, and our team is passionate, compassionate, and caring. We can handle any situation and adjust our services based on your loved one’s needs. Learn why we are different today.

nurse caring for patient

What You Can Expect From Our Team

Personal care encompasses a range of services. Your family member may not need all of them, but we can do whatever you need based. We can offer meal preparation, which is perfect for seniors who cannot travel to the grocery. We will customize meals according to allergies and lifestyle requirements. We also offer transportation, helping seniors get to social events, appointments, and more. Personal care also includes the following:

A Locally- & Veteran-Owned Company

We are a locally- and veteran-owned company. We believe in helping all seniors achieve a happier and healthier life – no matter the circumstances. We are especially proud of our work with veterans who have access to additional benefits but might need help activating them. We can navigate Aid & Attendance and ensure long-term care costs are met. We are also renowned for our ability to care for all clients with Alzheimer’s and dementia, which require specialized education and expertise and more attention, support, and assistance. You can trust us to care for your loved one.

Keep Your Loved One Happy