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Long-Term Care Insurance in Roseville, CA

Long-term Care (LTC) insurance can be a lifeline for you and your loved one.  ACASA Senior Care Roseville assists with long-term care insurance, allowing you to serve your loved one better. Navigating insurance provisions is challenging – especially when you are trying to manage your family member’s care. We guide you through the process, enabling you to get the most out of your investment and procure the best in-home care you can for your family member.

mature couple grocery shopping

The Benefits of Long-Term Care Insurance

There are many benefits to purchasing a long-term care insurance policy and using our company help you navigate the plan. Most importantly, long-term care provides financial protection for seniors as they enter their golden years. These policies usually cover things not covered by health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. Additional benefits include:

  • The home care provisions enable independence.
  • They provide a wide range of options, which we can fulfill.
  • A policy will enable you to use our services with peace of mind.

What to Know About Long-Term Care Insurance

Many health conditions hinder our ability to engage in the activities we enjoy. Some can prevent us from maintaining basic self-care routines like bathing. Many seniors struggle with these issues. It pays to invest in long-term care insurance because it covers your loved one when they can no longer manage on their own. If you have a plan, we can help you figure out how to use it and how our services fit into the puzzle. Long-Term Care (LTC) insurance policies require assistance with at least two daily activities or evidence of cognitive impairment to utilize coverage benefits.

The Benefits of Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-term insurance covers in-home care, which is our specialty. Many seniors don’t want to surrender their independence or move out of the house they have called home for decades. We understand. Our team can look at your policy and craft a care plan that will give your seniors what they need while allowing them to stay where they feel most comfortable. We take great pride in our reputation for excellence, and we can’t wait to assist you and your family.

Keep Your Loved One Happy