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Versatile In-Home Care for Roseville, CA Seniors

Caring for our senior and disabled loved ones is a major responsibility. Due to work, children, household duties, and other commitments, many of us lack the extra time to provide the care our loved ones deserve. ACASA Senior Care Roseville provides in-home care for Roseville, CA seniors that helps lessen the burden on your shoulders. From housecleaning to companionship, our services greatly enhance the daily lives of the seniors in our care. We offer a personalized approach, making our in-home care company one of the best in the area. Reach out to us today for a helping hand.

Varied Services, a Compassionate Approach

We provide a wide range of in-home care services for seniors and individuals with disabilities. Our dedicated staff members are certified, experienced, and ready to offer the necessary assistance to help your loved one thrive. Here are some examples of the supportive services we offer:

Meal Preparation

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires proper nutrition. However, many seniors struggle to shop, plan, and prepare nutritious meals. Our dedicated senior care team is here to help with all aspects of meal preparation. From planning and grocery shopping to cooking a delicious, customized meal that meets any dietary needs or allergies, we've got your family member covered. Let us take care of their meals so you can focus on enjoying a healthy and fulfilling life.


Seniors and individuals with disabilities face challenges in traveling independently. Our dedicated in-home senior care staff assists with transportation needs, whether it's for doctor's appointments, grocery shopping, or running errands. All our mobile caregivers are fully insured and licensed, ensuring the safety of your loved ones during their journey. We are passionate about ensuring your loved ones enjoy an independent, happy lifestyle.

A Locally- & Veteran-Owned In-Home Care Company

We are locally- and veteran-owned, making us the best resource for in-home care in the region. Every senior is different, and we are capable of adjusting our services to care for your loved one. Our team has years of experience, and that expertise allows them to deliver outstanding outcomes – no matter the challenges. Whether your family member has dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, or they merely need help with a few everyday tasks, we can help.

Keep Your Loved One Happy