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In-Home Care in Roseville, CA

Companionship is an integral part of in-home care services and is crucial for the overall well-being of seniors. At ACASA Senior Care Roseville, we provide in-home care to Roseville, CA seniors who require our help. We are well known for our ability to provide an impressive collection of services to our clients, and our ability to adjust to your loved one’s needs is a tremendous asset. We know your senior has unique needs and preferences that require individualized solutions. Fortunately, we can help. By tailoring our skillet to your needs, we increase happiness and peace of mind each day.

What to Expect From Our Companionship Services

Companionship is too important to ignore. Many seniors are on their own, and because they aren’t able to drive ore move around easily, they can become lonely and isolated. Our companionship services are wide-ranging and will bring enrichment to your loved one’s life:

Meal Preparation

Our caregivers assist with meal planning, grocery shopping, and meal prep to ensure seniors maintain a nutritious and balanced diet for their health and well-being.


We offer transportation services to help seniors maintain their active lifestyle and stay connected with others after losing the ability to drive.

Personal Care

Our caregivers provide assistance with personal tasks, ensuring seniors’ physical and mental well-being while maintaining their dignity and privacy.


Loneliness and social isolation among seniors can be detrimental to their health and well-being. We can keep your loved one company.

Light Housekeeping

Our caregivers help seniors with household chores, ensuring a safe living environment despite physical limitations or health conditions.

Medication Reminders

Managing medications can be overwhelming for seniors, but our caregivers help by providing medication reminders to ensure proper intake.

Why Our Companionship Services Are So Essential

We are proud of our ability to provide the kind of personalized care all seniors deserve. We improve quality of life and provide friendship to our clients, all while enhancing safety and peace of mind. We know that many seniors are reluctant to surrender their independence, even when they know they need help. Our companionship services will allow your loved one to maintain that independence while getting the help they need. You can feel comfortable entrusting your loved one in our hands, knowing our experience, expertise, and certifications are extensive. Make your family member feel special today.

Keep Your Loved One Happy