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Medication Reminders in Roseville, CA

As we age, it becomes more challenging to keep track of all the medications we take. Missing a dose of any medication can have an impact on well-being, so it is crucial to stay on top of things. If your loved one routinely forgets their medication, our Roseville, CA medication reminders can help. No matter the cause of their forgetfulness, we offer an invaluable resource to you and your family. Allow us to take the burden of reminding your family members to take their medications off your hands. We offer several plans and comprehensive reporting for your benefit.

person using cellphone

We Offer Various Plans for Your Convenience

If you require medication reminders, we can help. We offer three plans and a 14-day free trial. During the trial, you will receive one reminder plus a follow-up call for verification. Our caregivers can notify you through a phone call or a text message, and we will provide an activity report.

Each of Our Paid Plans Include

Reminder Plan 1
  • $9.95 per Month
  • 1 reminder per day.
  • A follow-up call for verification.
  • Notification by phone, text, or email to caregiver or family.
  • Personalized Greeting.
  • Detailed activity report.
Reminder Plan 2
  • $14.95 per Month
  • Up to 3 reminders per day.
  • A follow-up call for verification
  • Notification by phone, text, or email to caregiver or family.
  • Personalized greeting.
  • Detailed activity report.
Reminder Plan 3
  • $21.95 per Month
  • Up to 5 reminders per day.
  • A follow-up call for verification
  • Notification by phone, text, or email to caregiver or family.
  • Personalized greeting.
  • Detailed activity report.

Building Relationships Through Wellness Checks

At ACASA Senior Care Roseville, we understand the importance of building relationships with our clients. That’s why, in addition to medication reminders, we offer wellness checks. If you don’t require full in-home care but are still concerned about your loved one’s safety, you can invest in our wellness checks program, which will provide security for your family member and peace of mind for you. We offer competitive pricing and are confident you will be happy with our team’s ability to keep your senior family member safe.

Keep Your Loved One Happy