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Caregivers in Roseville, CA

Are you looking for a challenging and rewarding job? ACASA Senior Care Roseville offers a chance to help seniors live their best lives and maintain their health in a comforting environment. Our Roseville, CA caregivers perform a wide range of services and provide comfort, happiness, and health to our clients. You will develop relationships with seniors, nourish them, and learn what makes them happy and keeps them healthy. We are always looking for new members of our team.

nurse caring for patient

What to Expect From Working With Our Team

Working with ACASA Senior Care Roseville is rewarding and filled with joy. You will have the opportunity to help those in need and maintain a wide set of responsibilities. Once hired, you will fulfill any of the following caregiver duties, including:

  • Assistance with Personal Care and Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
  • Medication Reminders
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Meal Preparation and Help with Feeding
  • Reinforcing Therapy Exercises
  • Transportation to and from Appointments
  • Assistance with Movement and Repositioning
  • Providing Compassionate and Empathetic Care in a Safe and Healthy Environment
nurse laughing with patient

What We Look For in a New Hire

Our top caregivers have a formal education or previous hands-on experience in all aspects of caregiving, and these are qualities we look for in the hiring process. If you have experience in any of the following areas, reach out to our team:

  • Senior In-Home Care
  • Dementia or Memory Care
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Hospice Care, Assisted Living, or Companion Care
  • Mental Health and Depression Treatment
  • CHF or COPD
  • Hypertension
  • Willingness to Train Compassionate People

Job Requirements & Benefits

We take our role in our client’s health and happiness seriously. As a result, we have several requirements you must meet before you can start work as a caregiver. One of them is relevant healthcare experience. We also perform a background check and driving record check to ensure you will always provide safe care. Once you are hired, you will enjoy plenty of perks and benefits, including a friendly environment and an official Employee Perk Program. You’ll have access to paid training programs, flexible work schedules, and competitive pay.

Keep Your Loved One Happy