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In-Home Care Services in Roseville, CA

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Our Locally- and Veteran-Owned Caregivers Can Help

ACASA Senior Care Roseville is locally- and veteran-owned and dedicated to providing exceptional in-home care services to Roseville, CA seniors. We honor seniors’ desire to remain in their homes while receiving the highest quality care they deserve. Our caregivers are trained to meet your family member’s needs, ensuring a familiar and comfortable living environment. With personalized and compassionate supervision, we strive to keep your loved ones happy and safe. From memory care to transportation services, our friendly staff can help support you and your family members, providing peace of mind and stability. Enjoy more quality time without the stress of caregiving.

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Take Advantage of Our Services


Staying engaged and being social will help keep dementia at bay and provide support and companionship. We can play games and adjust our approach based on your loved one’s interests.

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Medication Reminders

Chances are your family member has to take a lot of medications. We help by providing consistent medication reminders to help them stay on schedule.

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Personal Care

We are well-known for our ability to help our patients with personal care. We handle various tasks, such as bathing assistance, meal preparation, and cleaning.

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Outstanding Personalized In-Home Care Services

At our agency, we provide a comprehensive range of services for seniors and disabled individuals. Our dedicated team of professionals is well-equipped with the necessary certifications, background, and hands-on experience to ensure the well-being and success of your loved ones.  We value individualized care and work closely with you to create a personalized care plan that meets your family member’s needs.

We Could Provide Any of the Following

Improve Your Loved Ones’ Safety and Wellness

Our service offers peace of mind and promotes the safety and well-being of your loved ones. We provide gentle reminders for medication intake up to 5 times a day to help them stay on track and maintain their health. You can receive free notifications and confirmations of medication intakes, as well as access detailed records of medication usage through this service. Additionally, we provide home wellness and safety checks to ensure the security of your loved ones. If ever needed, we have a rapid-response team. All our plans are easy to set up online.

Ensure Your Family Member Enjoys Safety and Happiness

If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, it is crucial to establish a support system to care for them – often involving professional in-home care. Our dedicated staff offers assistance, ensuring comfort and safety in the familiar surroundings of the home. Our services include memory care, transportation, meal planning, bathing, personal hygiene assistance, medication reminders, and more. We bring convenient and affordable support to your family, lightening the demands on you. ACASA Senior Care Roseville is here for you and your loved ones.

ACASA Senior Care Roseville

1100 Melody Lane, Suite #1040
Roseville, CA 95678


Hours of Operation
Available 24/7

1100 Melody Ln suite 1040, Roseville, CA 95678, USA

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